سورة المجادلة

Surah Name: Al-Mujadalah Meaning: The Pleading

Key Points

  • Revealed at Madinah
  • Mujadalah literally means obstinate insistence that persists not withstanding a refusal A Companion, Aus bin as Sarmat-RAU said to his wife Khola-RAU that she was like his mother to him. Such utterance in the era of Ignorance was considered to be severer than divorce as an option of reconciliation stayed open in divorce, but it was impossible in this case. Khola-RAU brought the dispute to the Holy Prophet-SW for resolution, who told her that Allah-SWT ’s decree was not available on this particular subject. She insisted and complained that if the Divine revelation addressed all other matters, why was it silent in her case? So Allah-SWT sent the revelation and rejected this tradition by declaring it to be a lie as well as a sin and commanded to adopt the proper way of divorce, where separation was desired.
  • Allah-SWT, the Almighty had heeded the lady's request, and remedied the banal ritual she was complaining about. She sought remedy commensurate to their situation, believing that Allah-SWT hears all cries for help and is a Witness to everything.
  • Total Number of Ruku / Sections 3
  • Total Number of Ayat / Parts 22
  • Surah / Chapter number 58
  • Ruku / Section 3 contains Ayat / Parts 9
  • Siparah/ Volume 28

    Surah Al-Mujadalah Ruku 3


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